Saturday, January 24, 2009


I ended up changing my previous picture a bit.

I like the colored lines more. I think it needs more finish still but I need a nice break from it.

I'm hoping to play with a more children's illustrative style with thick lines just to give it a try, and because I like thick lines. I'll post when I have something I don't hate.

But this ingenious thing I just had to post. Inking in Flash. GENIUS. And yet, so obvious. Why didn't I think of it considering I work in fucking Flash all the time?? So with that, hopefully I'll bang out some cartoons almost like how I bang your mom- slow and steady.

Much love and skeletons,


Friday, January 9, 2009

01.09.09 Quick Update

I finished the self portrait, though it needs some fine tuning and text.

Just a quick little update.

Other than that, I may do a little post on comic covers. There are just some that are so good that were published in double oh eight that it has to be shared.

Also, I'm a little bit in love with the Scott Pilgrim series. Go read it. It shall fill your heart with glee. And make you want to make comics... or maybe that's just me!

Much love and skeletons,


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